"Anime song supergroup JAM PROJECT consists of Hironobu Kageyama, Masaki Endoh, Hiroshi Kitadani, and Masami Okui. JAM PROJECT is probably best known for performing the themes to the Super Robot Wars games, as well as many other theme songs including Sgt Frog, MazinKaiser, and Transformers: Animated. Each individual member has a thriving solo career as well. The group is currently on a tour of South America, and sent a video message to Otakon expressing their joy at returning to see their fans in the U.S."
Faylan |
Joining them will be singer Faylan(above), who is best known for themes to Mobile Suit Gundam AGE and CANAAN, and singer Natsuko Aso(Below), whose credits include themes for Baka and Test - Summon the Beasts (1 & 2) and the live-action drama Negima! Magister Negi Magi.
Natsuko Aso |
The general ticket price is $50 + tax & fees at Ram's Head Live! in Baltimore, Maryland.
For ticket purchases and more information, here is the link to the Otakon website:
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