The eleventh installment of the ongoing YOSHIKI CHANNEL live concert series BROADCAST FROM L.A. will be streamed on YouTube on September 3, 2020 at 20:30 (JST).
To watch the concert, you must join Yoshiki Channel on YouTube. It costs $4.99 USD per month to join. In addition to the live concert series, members will have access to special videos, behind the scenes content, exclusive interviews, and video archives. Joining Yoshiki Channel on YouTube also gives users Yoshiki-themed loyalty badges and custom emoji to use in live chats on the platform. More information about joining can be found here.
To watch the concert, you must join Yoshiki Channel on YouTube. It costs $4.99 USD per month to join. In addition to the live concert series, members will have access to special videos, behind the scenes content, exclusive interviews, and video archives. Joining Yoshiki Channel on YouTube also gives users Yoshiki-themed loyalty badges and custom emoji to use in live chats on the platform. More information about joining can be found here.
The international content on the Yoshiki Channel YouTube account is not available to residents of Japan. Japanese fans can join through the Nico Nico platform.
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