LIVE REPORT: hiJK @ ASCOT Singapore 2016

On January 29th, all-female Japanese rock band hiJK visited Singapore along with other renowned artists to perform popular anime theme songs! In fact, playing right before them on the day was none other than Kamen Joshi -- needless to say, the crowd was well and truly warmed up for some hiJK!

Chizuru (Gt.) and Jikki (Gt.)
True to form, the members first stormed the stage with an all-powerful instrumental number. The excitement coming from the crowd was already evident, especially toward the end when fans started cheering and screaming. Yui then introduced the group before leading them in to a classic crowd favorite, "Miiro"! It was quite a spectacular cover, to say the least. After then introducing each member and naming the songs they had played so far, Yui then declared the next song -- their very first song -- "Find a way"!
Showing no signs of stopping, they next transitioned into "I Love Rock N Roll," urging the crowd to interact along with them. This was the kind of crowd participation that really makes concerts a unique experience -- being able to engage in a song directly with your favorite artists while enjoying the positive energy coming from the crowd around you. After this song, Yui thanked us, adding that so far they were having a great night. 

Mana (Ba.)
Before they continued playing, there was some more interaction with the audience on topics like their favourite Singaporean dishes. Yui then asked the crowd to guess her fave and of course -- the usual suspect -- it was Hainanese Chicken Rice! The other members shared their personal favourites as well.

First off was Chizuru with Paper Chicken. Yui shared an anecdote about how they got tricked into believing that Paper Chicken was in fact chicken that had been pounded to be as flat as paper. Ahem. Next up, Jikki insisted she only needed the air she breathed as the crowd was already that amazing(!?!). Oh, and Chili Crab -- She really wants to try some Chili Crab! Chihori chose to go with Laksa, while Mana, who doesn't speak English but tried her darndest, went with Paper Chicken. Yui also shared that it was actually Mana's first time overseas ever and that she couldn't have been happier that it was Singapore.

And of course, the next song was another crowd-pleaser -- "God Knows..."!

Chihori (Dr.)
They then took a moment to again share how fantastic their night was turning out and that the show would certainly be leaving them with fond memories they would be holding onto for years to come. As much as they wanted to continue playing right up until Chinese New Year, they sadly announced that the next song would be their final number for the evening. They then shared their hopes of returning to Singapore and seeing the same friendly faces in the crowd again some day. Yui then talks about the origins of their last song, "Izayoi." This song was in all honesty particularly amazing as it really showcased Yui's sweet singing style. 

Yui (Vo.)
From the fans, I would like to thank International Artist Agency (IAA) for hosting this event in Singapore for the first time! And of course, I thank them for the opportunity to deliver this report, too(!). I believe that this event will only grow to become bigger and better here in the years to come and we hope to see hiJK in Singapore again soon.

Lastly, thank you to our readers! Be sure to leave your thoughts and comments below and do check out more of this awesome group's releases if you like what you read!
1. Instrumentals 
2. Miiro
3. Find a way
4. I Love Rock N Roll
5. God knows...
6. Izayoi

Special Thanks: IAA, hiJK
Photos: Cecil
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