Interview with DaizyStripper at Animethon

Here it is! The moment you all have been waiting for. This is the one on one interview with Daizy Stripper at Animethon 19. Thanks to J-rock North Promotions and their amazing staff. They worked some magic and made it happen. I just managed to get squeezed in before the Fan Q&A. The interview was short so I tried to get as many questions as possible asked in the brief time that I had. It was fun getting to meet them and talk with them, however, short. They are really nice, energetic and have a great sense of humor. I really had a lot of fun reporting on their events. I even had the chance to meet their Manager, although very briefly. Ok, without further adieu here is the interview. Enjoy!

Jeni: First of all Congratulations on your 5th Anniversary year, that's a big step!

All: Oh, thank you very much!

Jeni: What I'd like to know is, how has your music and image evolved over the past 5 years, working together?

Yugiri: Ah, well, we are still progressing as a band, So I still have no idea! (everyone laughs)

Jeni: What has been your favourite and most memorable moment over the past 5 years?

Mayu: 2 years ago, in 2010, during one of our one-man lives. Kazami had collapsed on stage and we weren't sure if we could continue the show. But he pushed on and we were able to finish, to me that's a memorable moment.

Jeni: What inspired you to create a Jrock band? (They were laughing and trying to decide who to answer the question. Ultimately it was Nao.)

Nao: It was L'Arc~en~Ciel for me. I had never been good at studying or sports... but when I saw their live performance on TV, I thought to myself, I could do that too!

Jeni: What was your first impression of each other when you first met?

Yugiri: Well when we first met it didn't feel like we were meeting for the first time. It felt like we had already known each other for a long time.

Jeni: Are there J-rock artists that you look up to? Which ones?

Yugiri: J-rock? Ah, Visual Kei! (smile) For me X-JAPAN's Hide and L'Arc~en~Ciel.
Mayu: La'cryma Christi's Hiro and Koji.
Rei: J from Luna Sea and Taiji from X-JAPAN.

Jeni: How do you go about writing your songs, and where or what inspires you while you're writing the songs?

Kazami: I keep a day journal at all times, and write when I am in a clear state of mind. When I'm at home I'm not as inspired but if it's nice out I like to write outside. I could be on a train, walking down the street and be influenced my the scenery around me... And it's also easy to write when I'm really depressed.

Jeni: What are your lyrics mainly about? In terms of themes.

Yugiri: There are a lot of different themes. I just write down whatever comes to mind so there's a variety.

Jeni: What influences your music and your style?

Kazami: I really hate being compared to other bands. Like 'you sound like this band or that band'. Whatever sounds good to me, we put into our music. There are so many different things that influence us to make our band and sound unique to us.

Jeni: Your newest mini-album HUMALOID was just released. What inspired this album and what do you hope to achieve with it?

Yugiri: Well, right now the world is in a bit of a turmoil. We wanted to compile songs that have a positive image. A kind of 'look forward to the future' vibe to give hope.

Jeni: What's your favourite song to perform live?

Nao: We perform "Stay Gold" usually as a last song. Especially during the final show of a tour. It has a lot of memories for us as a band. From when we recorded it and that build up over time.

Jeni: Are there any plans for releasing anything under your alter ego Frantic Emiry?

Nao: Not at all! (everyone laughs)

Jeni: How does it feel knowing you have so many fans over here?

Yugiri: It makes me very happy knowing there are so many fans out there. All of these fans in Canada go crazy at our lives!
Rei: We are just so astonished at how loud everyone was, I thought my eardrums would break!
Mayu: It's funny seeing everyone go all crazy while we were on stage. Then right after during the signing everyone was all chill and mellow. It was quite a change! That was enjoyable.

Jeni: Where do you see yourselves and your music within the next 5 years?

Nao: We'd like to continue being ourselves. Not trying to follow in anyone's footsteps.
Kazami: We don't exactly know how the music will change for us over the years, but regardless, we would like to continue having our own sense of style, sound and just keep doing what we think is cool.

Jeni: What message do you have for your fans?

Yugiri: We would really like to come back here again one day and perform for you all. We'd like to thank everyone for this experience.

All right everyone that is the end of the one on one. I hope you enjoyed reading it. I had a lot of fun asking the questions. Thank you to everyone who sent me questions, it was really appreciated. Remember to check out J-rock North Promotions and give them a big thanks for making this happen. Without them it would have been a mission impossible.

(this picture is taken from Yugiri's Blog)

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