New Label "AKA-ON" + 1st Compilation CD release

A while ago, some Dear Dolce bands changed to a completely new label called "AKA-ON"! Bands which are signed to them are PIECE, Raddock, Memento Mori and Gekijio Tenor. The last one, Gekijio Tenor, are going to start their activities in June 2012. We will keep you updated as soon as there is more information about them.

AKA-ON's 1st compilation CD entitled  『AKA-ON COMPILATION DISC vol.1』 will be released on June 13th for 1050 yen.

1.フリーハンター / PIECE
2.zillion / Raddock
3.ハイカラ音頭 / Memento Mori
4.全盲キャスト /Gekijio Tenor

Source: Dear Dolce HP, AKA-ON HP
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