HearJapan Special Offer

Below is a message from HearJapan, for those who don't know, HearJapan is a digital mp3 store online that sells Japanese music! Please read below for there message.

Dear valued customer,

HearJapan is about to undergo a huge upgrade to our site and services with a brand new version of the site.  This is not a mere design upgrade but all of the code has been written from scratch. Once the new site goes live, we will have a ton of new music and features that we know everyone will love.  In order for that to happen smoothly, no new music will be added starting in mid-August. While the upgrade may take a few months, the site WILL stay open. So you can use the current site just like now and any unused credits will transfer over to the new site when it goes live.

Since you've been such a big help to us in the past, we are offering you the chance to get an exclusive first look at the new HearJapan, as well as a bunch of free credit!

If you purchase 10,000 or 5,000 yen in credit you will get 5% back in free credits added to your account within 24 hours. With over 6,000 albums on the site, there is still so much to explore. In addition you will also be given exclusive advance access to our beta site and get even more free credits to download even more music.

Thank you so much for your love for great Japanese music in the past. Your support now is critical to help us bring even more great Japanese music to you and to the rest of the world. We are nothing without YOU!

Our sincere thanks,
—The Entire HearJapan Team
Buy Credits: http://www.hearjapan.com/gift/payment_options
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/HearJapan
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/HearJapan
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