A while ago we posted their new look what seemed to be promising. However, some unfortunate news for Baddies fans now...
This year in March, Hanashonen Baddies have just released their mini-album "Bonjour" and it is now that they have announced that they will go on hiatus after their October one man tour "Boys Ride Bicycle" this year.Source: Edohsama via MJ+
While no specific date has been scheduled, the official site states that within 2012 the band is planning its come-back after roughly half a year. Also, the hiatus is focused on live performances and they members will keep up their blogs and media presence.
Moreover, during their break and for the moment of their return, Hanashonen Baddies have announced their full album "Bible", which is going to be produced during that period and certainly something to look forward to. Another great ambition seems to be to have "healed the cavities on ones tooth".
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