Girugamesh Charity song [Pray]

With all that is going on in Japan it seems only right to post this. Girugamesh posted up an announcement on their page that talked about a charity song that they were planning on releasing sometime soon. It seems, according to the site, that they have already released one part of the new track and are planning on releasing an English version as well. They stated on their site that they have only just started to distribute the track starting April 06 which is currently today in Japan. They have stated that all revenues that come in through this song will be donated to the affected area in Japan. The members have also posted up a message to their fans:

Original Message:

手を繋ぎ合い一つになり頑張ろう!!Pray for Japan!

~To all the fans~
On the day when the Tohoku district Pacific offshore Earthquake happened, we were on tour in Europe. It was a tour filled with uneasiness. While there I got words of support, as well as love from all the fans and was encouraged. I wrote down the thought 'that it is possible only to pray for words' and I go back to japan with the state of mind to watch the present condition with my own eyes and thought about what I could do...and the form that I arrived at was [pray] and as a musicial I am now able to do it. After I got back to Japan I have completed the lyrics and I want many people to know this fact that even if one is alone there is hope for many people it is the music that is full of such a feeling.
Let us join hands, become one and do our best!!

They have also stated that the song will be distributed through a place called Full ARTIST DELI and that they will be informing the public when the next release will be. We hope that everyone who can will participate in this charity event for the Japanese Disaster Relief and that everyone who was affected by the earthquake will be able to get the help they need to get back on their feet! Lets all raise our prayers high for Japan and do our best to help these artists who are reaching out!

Source: Girugamesh OHP
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